Much Love Monday: It falls apart, it comes back together again

I’m back in the office, and its miserable. There’s an issue with my paramour that I believe will break us forever. He’s my best friend. I have no other friends.


what are you loving today

Much Love Monday: Everything that is Gold

I know it’s cliche, but autumn really is the best time of year. Especially during a year full of such turmoil, I extra appreciate the little joys that come my way. Last week included lower temperatues, dark rainy days spent inside with hot drinks and warm candles, snuggling with my cats watching good things.

I hope everyone can find some joy during this time.

Much Love Monday: The Little Things

While I’m in Quarantine I will be doing daily #hashtag posts to keep not only my spirit up, but others!

Mondays are actually going to be going back to a hashtag post i used to do years ago, but let fell by the wayside.   Well i think now is the perfect time to bring it back.

That’s right everyone:  Much Love Monday


It’s Monday and it’s a great beautiful day.   I went for a run and stopped at a fav local neighborhood place, Beans and Bagels.  They’re doing window service for Safety, and everyone in line was friendly and respectful.   I got a donut and cold brew and walked home – it was perfect.   Sun was out, flowers are budding, robin birds flew up and chirped at me – it was the perfect way to start my Monday morning.



I hope all of you out there are having a Monday full love something lovely.


Take Care.

Much Love Monday: The New Boss

Today on our beautiful Much Love Monday there is so much to celebrate

  1. After a rough winter in Chicago it is 60+ degrees!
  2. I look hella cute today
  3. I started my new position at work!





I definitely have a lot to celebrate today but it’s still important to look for the little things when there aren’t as many obvious thing to love.


I hope you are having a Much Love Monday <3

Much Love Monday – Almost February



It’s Monday, and it’s almost February, and we currently going through the annual “January Thaw” here in Chicago, which means the worst is yet to come…

But for now, I will give me love and thoughts to my world.   In Chicago there is a neighborhood called Humboldt Park – which houses one of my favorite places in the world… Humboldt Park :)   Sadly Humboldt is also known for really terrible crime, which seems to have surged recently – and the reason it breaks my heart is because I love this place so much (and it’s not even my neighborhood!)  I spent my Sunday in the area and just loved it and I can’t wait until spring and summer when the flowers will bloom, and ill pick new garden plants at Adams and Son and ride my bike to the Boathouse at the (Humboldt) Park. So this Monday, i give it to you Humboldt Park Chicago


Much Love Monday: Home and Space

This past week I had a very stressful move (which is a little redundant, since 99% of all moves are stressful)  but for real… I am so glad it’s over.

My move is an adjustment, it’s a smaller place, new people, different set of rules, but as the days pass and I start to clean and unpack and spend time, I am really enjoying and appreciating it.

My new place is in my old neighborhood that I lived in years ago.  There are some things I get to go back to, old hangouts, routes etc.  But there are also a lot more new things that have really been keeping me exciting, so it feels like a new place.

Either way I had some kind people and lovely friends keep me company over the weekend to really bring down my stress level and lift my spirits.  So this Much Love Monday is all about:  Finding home and enjoying your space –


Much Love Monday: Food with Friends


c74e6bee754f84058888658b1c8d9d83This week I am celebrating what a lovely time I was able to have with people I care about.   Eating with friends is one of life’s biggest blessings, especially when it’s with someone you really enjoy and makes your life better :)

This week’s Much Love Monday is loving eating together <3



Happy Monday ;)