Much Love Monday: Home and Space

This past week I had a very stressful move (which is a little redundant, since 99% of all moves are stressful)  but for real… I am so glad it’s over.

My move is an adjustment, it’s a smaller place, new people, different set of rules, but as the days pass and I start to clean and unpack and spend time, I am really enjoying and appreciating it.

My new place is in my old neighborhood that I lived in years ago.  There are some things I get to go back to, old hangouts, routes etc.  But there are also a lot more new things that have really been keeping me exciting, so it feels like a new place.

Either way I had some kind people and lovely friends keep me company over the weekend to really bring down my stress level and lift my spirits.  So this Much Love Monday is all about:  Finding home and enjoying your space –


Back and Ready

December was a mess – basically NOTHING was accomplished due to various injuries and such, so unfortunately I am behind on comics and drawings and writing back people and so on and so forth



So over the weekend I quickly (and sloppily) drew this comic review of my year, for and to me and all my viewers out there, so you know where I am coming from and why I go the way I go and do what I do.

I certainly do go to the hospital a lot.


*Empty Bed will be back tomorrow morning and every Monday like before, as well as our other regularly scheduled programs

hope everyone had a rad holiday season.





im back!

Ok, kids, here we go:

Officially residing in White River Junction, VT, though not officially a resident (6 months for residency).

So far I am LOVING it.

I literally have mountains in my backyard… actually i think it would be more accurate to say that I am living on a mountain.

I found a good job at a cafe RIGHT away and getting about 30 hours a week.  Its allowed me to meet some great people, and being here only a week I’d say i have about… 5 official friends

not bad i’d say

anywho everything is going good so far – people are friendly, or as friendly as they are anywhere i guess.  winston is doing good, which makes me happy :)  roommate is nice, its beuatiful, people here actually care about where there food comes from so restaurants use FRESH tomatoes, local health store i can walk to and get all the vegetarian and vegan items i desire – all in all a GREAT place to move to.

Missing:  my bigger, cheaper apartment.  the local music and music venues.  the cool people :)