Recent sketches

In attempt to catch up with all the things I HAVENT been doing the past month, here are some life sketches I’ve been doing!


Sleeping guy on the megabus during my last trip to Michigan

Sleeping guy on the megabus during my last trip to Michigan


I love doing life drawings; there are so many beautiful things in the world, even on the megabus :)



I saw this little girl at the Art Institute. She was posing like the art while her sister took pictures – BEST :)




November Life Drawings

From Salonathon, November 12, 2012 @ Beauty Bar, Chicago

DJ Swaguerilla

Calamity West

Mikey Laird

Michele, and Michele’s lovely lips (in an artistic non-creepy way)

Michael Knutson – complete with gimped finger

I dont remember his name, but he was an awkward comedian

some girl, playing the role of a very sexually satisfied “Belle”.  I drew this while standing up after two jamesons and a bell’s amber, so it’s not as good as it could be but decent under the circumstances!

it’s HARD to draw people you know!  especially if you want to turn them into a cartoon…