FINALLY GEEZ – Now lets talk about Ghosts

So like I said last time (two months ago! AH!) my printer was messed up but I finally fixed it WHICH MEANS…   <3 <3 <3 !COMICS! <3 <3 <3   Todays comic is brought to you by people who pretend to like you and then disappear: ghosting_title ghosting1 ghosting2



So my friends, here is a story.

One of the reasons I make comics and share them publicly, especially ones like this, is because I want someone else out there going through the same thing to realize you’re not alone.

This particular story was drawn about two months ago, after my casual relationship with Greg, but it also applies perfectly to my most recent dating experience.  Actually… probably more so, because Dave was the best person I ever dated and felt like relationship was just around the corner.  But then just a few days ago … poof! gone.  I think this one hurt the most. (BTW, Happy Birthday Dave!)*

Yes it sucks, yes you will sit at home and analyze over and over “what did i do?!?!”, “what did I say?!?!”, “what could i have done differently!!!”.  The answer is nothing.  And we all do this.  But ya know what?  IT’S NOT YOU.  Trust me.  When this happens remind yourself that it has nothing to do with you.  It is on them – mostly from lack of maturity and the inability to deal with conflict and confrontation.  Any of the other reasons do not matter.  (and both genders do this btw, not just dudes)

Also, if you have done this… please stop.  It’s a thousand times worse to not know than to know.

Ok well now that we’ve all turned on The Smiths and had a good cry about ourselves, go out and enjoy your life.

Love Ya’ll

– Rachel



*Don’t be mean to comic artists!