New Logos!

I’ve been wanting to boost my portfolio because some of it’s pretty old and it feels pretty lacking. So I asked some friends to give me their businesses or to even make one up and I would do a logo for them!

Much Love and Some Art

It’s much love Monday, but I also worked on an illustration today that I actually kind of love!

I figured that since I’m a bodacious babe who hopes that she can get to the beach this summer even though it may not happen at all, I figured I’d draw a bodacious babe who also wants to go to the beach this summer but can fulfill her dream because she is fiction.

SummerBabeColorwith background

More art in 2020!

I really want this to manifest as my own Roarin’ Twenties, and the #1 way im doing it is DOING MY ART!


And I am honestly off to a great start, as I have honestly started and completed more art in this first week of 2020 than I have in all of 2019!


What I am working on this week is an illustration i started YEARS ago but am now determined to finish.

Untitledlogan square V2


This is an illustration of my second apartment in Chicago, in Logan Square.  I live here from 2014-2017, and i have very happy times here.   I loved this apartment so much, and I loved the people that came and went and life that happened inside.  I think of this apartment often, I think of becoming the person I am since moving here in 2012.




I just completed a mini poster (post card size) that i was working on this summer.

I am apart of some amazing True Crime groups and they inspire me everyday to be my self, and stay sexy and not get murdered.

The mini-poster shows the infamous last meals of 6 murders and serial killers, chosen not because of the person but the meal they requested.


death row poster.png

The story goes that Aileen Wuernos, murdered 7 men in Florida, didn’t believe she was actually going to die the following day, so she asked for a simple cup of coffee.

Victor Feguer, kidnapped and murdered a Doctor, asked for a single solitary olive.

Velma Barfield, poisoned 5-7 people, asked for coke and CHEESE DOODLES, NOT Cheetos, CHEESE DOODLES – because she was clearly a psychopath.

John Wayne Gacy, a living monster, murdered 33+.  He owned a KFC franchise, and asked for a bucket of original recipe for his last meal, along with cocktail shrimp and a pound of strawberries.

Timothy Mcveigh, who’s evil deeds shaped my generation, killed 168 people.  He ate two pints of mint chocolate chip icecream.


Ted Bundy. murdered 14 women, possibly more.  He refused to give a last meal request so was actually given the traditional Steak and Eggs meal, with a side of toast hashbrowns and milk.  However, Bundy didn’t touch any of it, meaning his actual last meal was a casual lunch of a burrito and rice with a salad.

Fan Art Fridays – See I told you

Oh you thought I was kidding that I was going to bring back Fan Art Fridays, DIDNT YOU.


It’s ok, I didnt believe me either…


BUT here I am :)  It’s happening!

This Fan Art Friday is dedicated to: Lauren Graham.

Lauren graham

Now, if you’ve met me before then you probably heard me mention Gilmore Girls, or at the very least I quoted or referenced it (even if you didn’t notice).  There’s no easy way to explain exactly how I feel about this show, but let me use the show to help figure it out:



I was the same age/grade as Rory when the show first aired – we grew up together.  And now I am the same age as Lorelai’s character when the show first started – and I can honestly say I love it, because I have always loved her character the most.

That being said, I didn’t know too much about the actress who played her (Lauren Graham) other than what I learned surrounding the show.  Very recently I downloaded the audiofile for Lauren’s most recent book “Talking As Fast As I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls, and Everything in Between” .  All i can say is that I am so glad I bought this book.  Lauren is just as vibrant, weird, crazy and inspiring as my favorite character, if not more so because she is incredibly real.   She talks to the reader/audience like we’re old friends, and she discusses her experience with Gilmore Girls in such a lovely way that it made me cry – several times.

That show got me through my twenties and the majority of my college and teenage years, and I am forever grateful for the writing and the characters who inspired me and helped me as I grew up.

Thank you Lauren Graham.



Also, P.S.

To further my point, my amazing team and I recently won first prize in Gilmore Girls Trivia













New Post About Old Stuff

I totally forgot to ever post the illustrations I did for Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago Words Weekend last year.  It was an incredible experience and opportunity, and I had a ton of fun doing these illustrations.

Based on the poem by Irene Marquette (which you can read here)

Foss_MCA_Final_1 Foss_MCA_Final_2 Foss_MCA_Final_3 Foss_MCA_Final_4 Foss_MCA_Final_5

Thank you to 1,000 Chicago Afternoons, Anthology of Chicago and CHI_LIT and the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago for the awesome opportunity!


Recently featured again on the MCA Front page and in the Chicago READER for a similar even coming up this month:

Breakup Weekend – PART TWO!




Breakup Weekend Comics – Part 2

no really it’s really funny… Last week i was told by this greg that I wasn’t important enough to make time for and that we’re never going to see each-other again.

And then, a few days later, i broke up with the guy i was currently dating… also named greg.

My life is weird.