Fan Art Friday: ZACH ANNER

I’m really really behind because I am in the process of MOOOOVING!  But I did manage to create a Fan Art Friday for May:

Zach Anner

Zach Anner

If you don’t know who Zach Anner is you need to get to know him NOW.  GO. NOW.

This guy is a freaking amazing and hilarious human – started from YOUTUBE fame, he has also become a popular spokesman for Cerebral Palsy, of which he himself is afflicted.  But between his jokes, his workout videos, or his recent BOOK, you wouldn’t know that Zach has anything about him holding him back.

My personal favorite is his Rainbow Bagel video, so I feel like it’s a pretty good way to be introduce to this guy.

If you are looking for a good book, I also highly recommend If at Birth You Don’t Succeed or even better, buy the audiobook because Zach himself is the narrator and it’s glorious.